Tire Hulk case study

Tire Hulk is a robust multi-vendor platform app, that manages inventory, incorporates APIs, generates responsive websites, and handles an array of automotive tire shop business functions. I oversaw the creation of this platform, handling everything from its development to crafting its identity, designing all aspects of its user interface and experience, conducting research, and ensuring its functionality.

My Role


Our primary goals encompassed three key objectives:

  • Establishing a comprehensive enterprise-level platform catering to both B2B and B2C needs within the automotive tire retail and tire service sectors.

  • Ensuring scalability for future growth and expansion.

  • Crafting the distinct identity of Tire Hulk.


Extensive user research and stakeholder interviews revealed that while our primary target was the tire industry, these solution were applicability across the broader automotive service industry.

Project Ideation and User Interviews

During the ideation phase of the project, I conducted user interviews to build new personas and to inform the design. Questions were centered around gaining a deep understanding of the target audience's needs, preferences, and pain points related to purchasing tires, both new and used. The questions were aimed to uncover insights into the users' values, motivations, and behaviors regarding tire purchases, as well as their overall experiences with tire shops.

Main Insights from the Interviews

  • User preferences: Understanding whether users prefer new or used tires, and the factors influencing their choice.

  • Pain points: Identifying common frustrations or challenges users face when buying tires, such as price concerns, trust in product quality, or difficulty finding the right fit.

  • Decision-making process: Learning about the criteria users consider when selecting a tire shop, such as location, reputation, or available services.

  • Expectations: Understanding what users expect from a tire shop in terms of customer service, product range, and overall experience.

Utilization of Insights in the Design Process

These insights served as a foundation for the design process, informing key decisions at every stage:

  • Persona development: The insights helped in creating detailed personas representing different user segments, ensuring that the design solutions catered to the diverse needs of the target audience.

  • Feature prioritization: Understanding user values and motivations helped prioritize features and functionalities that matter most to the users, ensuring that the final product aligns with their expectations.

  • Iterative design: Continuously referencing the interview findings throughout the design process allowed for iterative improvements and adjustments based on user feedback, ultimately leading to a more user-centered and effective solution.


I wanted to form a deeper understanding of our users' goals, needs, experiences, and behaviors. So, we created 4 personas for each of our user segments. They were based on user interviews and surveys, and we kept updating them throughout the project as we gathered more data. We used these personas whenever we wanted to step out of ourselves and reconsider our initial ideas.

Deciding to create personas for your tire shop goers and owners is a smart move for several reasons:

  • Understanding User Needs: Personas help us to empathize with your customers by embodying their goals, needs, and behaviors. By understanding their perspective, you can tailor your services and offerings to better meet their needs.

  • Guiding Decision Making: Personas serve as a reference point throughout the design process, helping me to make informed decisions about everything from product features to marketing strategies. They keep the focus on the user and prevented me from making assumptions based solely on my own experiences or preferences.

  • Improving Communication: Personas provide a common language for our team to discuss and understand our target audience. They help ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

To build your personas, I gathered data from a variety of sources, including:

  • User interviews: Direct conversations with customers to understand their needs, pain points, and behaviors.

  • Surveys: Gathering quantitative data on user demographics, preferences, and usage patterns.

  • Research: Studying industry trends and competitor offerings to identify common patterns and user expectations.

  • Testing: During user testing, personas help you recruit participants who closely match your target audience and evaluate how well your designs meet their needs.

Tire Hulk Wireframes

The user experience journey kicked off with low-fidelity wireframes, comprising fundamental screens. These wireframes were instrumental in delineating user flows and effectively conveying them.

Tire Hulk Iconography

When creating these icons, I drew inspiration from the familiar visual language we encounter daily. While infusing my own artistic flair and selecting imagery that resonates, I ensured to incorporate Tire Hulk's distinctive brand colors, adding a unique touch to each icon.

Tire Hulk User Interface Design: Main Portal

The essence of our approach to interface design lies in being responsive. It's crucial that every function is easily accessible across all devices. As a startup with limited resources but ambitious goals, Tire Hulk prioritizes mobile compatibility, with scaling to desktop. Since funding for iOS and Android apps versions is pending, our strategy centers on a mobile-first approach. The primary aim of the Tire Hulk app is to empower small tire shops to compete with industry giants. Owners of automotive service shops can efficiently manage their operations with just an Internet-enabled device, ensuring a professional web presence, streamlined inventory management, effective marketing, and customer outreach.

Tire Hulk User Interface Design: Vendor Template

The user interface included 3 Vendor templates, which were; Tire Shop, Mechanic/Collision Shop, and Roadside Assistance. The platform was built to ensure the templates would be dynamic, hence, a Vendor who has selected a Tire Shop template could also preview their Mechanic/Collision Shop services with ease.

Tire Hulk User Interface Design: Vendor Template

The Vendor Dashboard was designed to be extremely user friendly. Customization is intuitive, and happens in real-time from a computer or mobile device; complete with API integrations. Users can effortlessly navigate a myriad of services under each category, and automatically create additional Web pages and links in the menu bar. Vendors are able to select theme color, modify or create service deals, upload photos or choose from existing galleries, upload inventory, etc.

Tire Hulk User Interface Design: Vendor Templates

Every time a Vendor uploads a product it also populates the database in the main hub. Customers may search individual Vendor Websites or the main hub, therefore each vendor site is equipped with designated search engines. Product search results are displayed as shown below.

Branding Logo Design

With the current and future goals of the brand in mind, I started conceptualizing the look of the Tire Hulk logo. I felt the logo should visually represent the core purpose of the brand, which is 75% tire industry focused. I knew incorporation of recognizable tire imagery should be a key design component. With this in mind, I utilized tire tread imagery to form the “H” in Hulk. I also chose burnt orange as the primary color, as I needed a bold color which would set this brand apart from its competitors, and would work well if the logo was branded on rubber.

Branding Logo Design Final

Tire Hulk Infographics & Charts

As the company pursued investment funding, the demand for integrating charts and graphs into the business plan and other presentation materials grew. My responsibility was to convert qualitative and quantitative research data into visually engaging infographics and charts.

Tire Hulk: Dimensionalizing the Brand

In the long-term, Tire Hulk hopes to sell branded or co-branded tires and batteries. The branding was designed to be highly recognizable on a variety of products.